
  1. 2. The body's main support structure, made up of bones.,
  2. 3. brachii The muscle group located in the back upper
  3. 5. The study of the structure of the body
  4. 8. The smallest living unit of the body
  5. 9. The structure that connects muscles to bones.,
  6. 12. tissue The most abundant connective tissue in the body, found in joints and between organs.,
  7. 13. The largest organ in the human body.,
  8. 17. bone The bone that forms the cheekbone.,
  9. 20. The skull bone that houses the brain
  10. 23. A substance found in the body that carries oxygen in red blood cells.,
  11. 25. The muscle responsible for raising the eyebrows.,
  12. 27. tissue The type of tissue that is able to contract and is responsible for movement.,
  13. 28. system The system that controls body activities through electrical signals.,
  14. 29. The bone that forms the heel of the foot.,
  1. 1. The process of making new cells for growth or repair.,
  2. 3. The long bone in the lower leg.,
  3. 4. bone The bone that forms the forehead.
  4. 6. tissue The tissue that carries electrical impulses, found in the brain and spinal cord.,
  5. 7. Connective tissue that binds bones together.,
  6. 10. The muscle that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities.,
  7. 11. The muscle located at the front of the thigh
  8. 14. bone The bone that forms the bridge of the nose
  9. 15. muscle The type of muscle that is found in the walls of internal organs.,
  10. 16. tissue The tissue that covers body surfaces and lines cavities.,
  11. 18. bone that forms the shoulder blade.,
  12. 19. The bones of the fingers.,
  13. 21. The bone of the upper arm.,
  14. 22. femoris The muscle located at the front of the thigh.,
  15. 24. Vertebrae The vertebrae in the lower back.,
  16. 26. The fluid filled sac that reduces friction between bones and muscles.,