
  1. 2. Made up of two hemispheres separated by the median longitudinal fissure and from the cerebellum by the transverse fissure
  2. 4. Separates the cerebellum from the cerebral hemispheres
  3. 5. diseases that disrupt the normal structural and physiological properties of the nervous system
  4. 9. Fiber tract under the corpus callosum is the
  5. 11. tactile manipulation and identification of objects
  6. 14. the absence of the sense of smell
  7. 15. controls muscles of the face, pharynx, larynx, and neck
  8. 17. basic building block in the central nervous system
  9. 18. Generally, star-shaped cells that are located in both white and gray matter
  10. 19. chemical released into the synapse triggered by the nerve impulse arriving at the end of the axon
  11. 20. produced by the choroid plexus and is a clear, colorless fluid.
  12. 21. Internal awareness of limb position, posture and movement in space
  13. 22. The development or evolution of a particular group of organisms
  14. 24. Serves more primitive functions that are independent of conscious control
  15. 25. Neurons have two processes, one extending from each pole of the cell body – a peripheral process (dendrite) and a central process (axon)
  1. 1. short processes projecting from cell body and look like trees; they receive neural signals from other neurons
  2. 3. Located between the brainstem and cerebrum
  3. 6. tract: contains approximately 30% of the motor fibers, mediates rapid, skilled, voluntary movements of the skeletal muscles (especially the distal end of limbs) through the spinal alpha-motor neurons.
  4. 7. surgery removal of pathologic structures that impair nervous system function
  5. 8. Some sulci are very deep and are referred to as
  6. 10. form the myelin sheath that surround the axons of the CNS
  7. 12. colliculi process auditory information
  8. 13. includes the spinal cord, brainstem, diencephalon, cerebellum and cerebral hemispheres (“cerebrum”)
  9. 16. drooping of the upper eyelid
  10. 23. in the PNS, groups of neuronal cell bodies and dendrites