Anatomy and Ph

  1. 3. pressure exerted by an individual gas
  2. 4. short-lived immunity
  3. 5. blood’s oxygen-carrying capacity too low
  4. 9. middle layer of the heart
  5. 10. engulf then present antigen to other cells
  6. 12. organ that filters lymph
  7. 15. highly modified, leaky capillaries
  8. 16. hormone that stimulates RBC formation
  9. 17. site of B cell maturation
  10. 19. site of cardiac pacemaker cells
  11. 23. device to detect electrical currents through heart
  12. 24. site of exchange between blood and tissue cells
  13. 25. heart chamber that receives unoxygenated blood from body
  14. 27. prevents backflow into left atrium when ventricle contracts
  15. 28. most abundant WBC
  16. 31. circuit that carries blood to and from all body tissues
  17. 35. constriction of blood vessel following injury
  18. 37. receptors that respond to stretch
  19. 39. sound created upon AV valve closure
  20. 40. non-self protein
  21. 41. also known as the voice box
  22. 42. lymphocyte produced in the bone marrow
  23. 43. resistance to disease
  24. 44. largest systemic artery
  1. 1. an antibody secreting effector cell
  2. 2. cycle one complete heart beat
  3. 4. circuit that carries blood to and from the lungs
  4. 5. RBC antigens
  5. 6. site of gas exchange
  6. 7. smallest of the arteries
  7. 8. transport vehicle for oxygen
  8. 11. type of immunity conferred by activated T cells
  9. 13. type of immunity conferred by activated B cells
  10. 14. force exerted by blood against a blood vessel wall
  11. 18. erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets
  12. 20. septum that separates the ventricles
  13. 21. cytoplasmic fragments of megakaryocytes
  14. 22. ventricle filling and relaxation
  15. 26. proteins that identify cell as “self”
  16. 29. air in pleural cavity
  17. 30. double-walled sac covering heart
  18. 32. site of T cell maturation
  19. 33. circulation that provides bloods supply to the heart
  20. 34. an incomplete antigen
  21. 36. tunic comprised of smooth muscle cells
  22. 38. lymphocyte produced in the thymus