- 1. Ribs attach to these vertebrae.
- 7. Keeping everything in its proper range.
- 11. Near to
- 16. Fixed jaw
- 18. Pain
- 19. Bone "hole"?
- 24. Low BP
- 25. Femur "bump"
- 29. More toward the middle.
- 30. Fats, oils and waxes.
- 32. Proper "break"
- 37. Upper orbit foramen?
- 38. Most anterior cranial bone.
- 40. This passage has nothing to do with beef.
- 41. Opposite of the patellar side.
- 44. High energy compounds.
- 46. First step to fracture repair.
- 49. Wrist related
- 51. "Tear" bone
- 52. With "dermis" the outermost layer.
- 53. Human scale pattern
- 57. Occipital suture
- 59. C1
- 61. Rapid breathing
- 62. Eye "slits"?
- 63. A record of the heart?
- 64. Its double-stranded.
- 2. There are seven "verts" in this region.
- 3. Goes across the "Crown".
- 4. CPR experts
- 5. Stuck out one's tongue as requested.
- 6. Breast bone
- 8. C2
- 9. Dead, keratinized layer.
- 10. Body builder motion.
- 12. Blockage, particularly of a blood vessel.
- 13. Nasal septum
- 14. Earache
- 15. Moveable facial bone.
- 17. away from
- 20. Really tight curls
- 21. Japanese delight
- 22. A typical person has 30-60 trillion of these.
- 23. "One layer" descriptor
- 26. Rib related
- 27. Poor diet disease of 3rd world countries; cause bowed legs.
- 28. Chin foramen
- 31. What you should not have given Mr. Sewell in the "Sweetness" case study.
- 33. Hospital regulars.
- 34. bone "bar"
- 35. Type of tissue that is the target of a diet.
- 36. What a cholecystectomy takes out.
- 39. WBC cancer
- 40. Big "bump" behind the ear.
- 41. blood matrix
- 42. Largest of the vertebrae.
- 43. Little cracks?
- 45. To the outside.
- 47. Not arches or loops.
- 48. These become really active at puberty
- 50. Muscle pain
- 54. Cervical curvature
- 55. Rounded articular surface
- 56. Osteocyte homes?
- 58. Skin color comes down to this.
- 60. Teen suffrage