Anatomy Crossword

  1. 3. The kind of tissue that adipose is.
  2. 7. The longest bone in the human body.
  3. 10. A suffix that means "the study of", commonly paired with bio- or geo-.
  4. 11. Bone cells that break down bone.
  5. 14. The part of the brain that regulates breathing and sleep.
  6. 16. The muscle located on the shoulder.
  7. 20. The chamber at the top of the heart.
  8. 22. The layer of the skin that produces pigment.
  9. 23. Bone cells that produce new bone.
  10. 24. (2 words) Another name for the bicuspid valve.
  11. 27. (2 words) The process that forms ATP.
  12. 28. (2 words) The space between two neurons, where neurotransmitters are released.
  13. 29. The "control center" of a cell.
  14. 30. Another name for "skull".
  1. 1. Our anatomy teacher's last name!
  2. 2. The word, relating to cardiac tissue, that means "striped".
  3. 4. The type of bone the patella is classified as.
  4. 5. (2 words) The liquid inside of joint capsules.
  5. 6. A doctor that specializes in the skin.
  6. 8. (3 words) The space between myelin sheaths.
  7. 9. The name for epithelial tissue with multiple layers.
  8. 12. A disease that causes rapid cell division.
  9. 13. Through the use of a negative feedback loop, the body attempts to return itself to this state.
  10. 15. A shape classification for epithelial tissue that is tall and skinny.
  11. 17. The nervous system made up of cranial and spinal nerves.
  12. 18. The thin, protective layer of tissue that surrounds the heart.
  13. 19. When red bone marrow ages, it is replaced with this type of marrow.
  14. 21. The "Little beams" that are found in spongy bone, that protect from compression.
  15. 25. This measure of blood pressure should be at 120.
  16. 26. A small gland that commonly contains hairs.