- 3. This muscle corrects the line of pull of the flexor digitorum longus
- 5. The nerve that innervates the deltoid
- 8. the nerve roots of the dorsal superficial leg muscles
- 9. This muscle inserts on the medial cuneiform and the first metatarsal base
- 10. This muscle abducts and internally rotates the hip
- 12. This muscle flexes the elbow
- 15. This muscle is part of the the 4th extensor compartment of the wrist
- 16. The freshman nerve
- 20. The nerve that innervates most of the intrinsic muscles of the hand
- 21. The nerve that innervates the plantar side of the 5th digit
- 22. The gluteus Maximus inserts on this tendon
- 1. The space that the ulnar nerve runs through
- 2. This nerve innervates the supinator
- 4. This muscle inserts on the superior pubic ramus
- 6. The insertion for the quadratus femoris
- 7. The nerve that runs through the carpal tunnel
- 11. the nerve roots for all of the hamstring muscles
- 13. This nerve innervates the trapezius
- 14. This muscle prevents scapular winging
- 17. The gastrocnemius, soleus and planters come together to form this tendon
- 18. The rectus femoris and vastus muscles come together to form this tendon
- 19. The deepest and transversely oriented muscle of the volar forearm