- 2. Dorsi, innervated by the thoracodorsal nerve.
- 4. Quadratus, a deep muscle on the distal, volar forearm.
- 6. major, a big hip flexor.
- 7. fibular nerve, innervates the anterior leg.
- 9. muscle, part of the rotator cuff muscles, it does GH abduction
- 11. brachii, innervated by the musculocutaneous nerve.
- 13. leg, this location is where plantar flexion takes place.
- 16. all proximally attach to the ischial tuberosity.
- 18. dermatome, dermatome on the anterior knee.
- 19. Trapezius, upwardly rotates and depresses the scapula.
- 20. distally attaches to the ulnar tuberosity.
- 1. cuneiform, most medially located cuneiform.
- 3. longest muscle in the body
- 5. digitorum profundus, deep flexor muscle that attaches to the distal phalanges.
- 8. Anserine, Where the Sartorius, Gracilis, and Semitendonosus distally attach.
- 10. "unlocks" a fully extended knee.
- 12. nerve, major nerve that comes from the sacral plexus.
- 14. nerve, crosses anteriorly to the lateral epicondyle.
- 15. Muscle group that does hip external rotation.
- 17. nerve, a nerve that comes from the medial cord of the brachial plexus.