- 6. Closer to the surface.
- 7. System: Groups of organs collaborating to perform vital functions.
- 8. Plane: Divides the body into left and right halves.
- 9. (Coronal) Plane: Divides the body into front (anterior) and back (posterior) portions.
- 12. Specialized structures within cells performing specific functions.
- 13. Toward the midline of the body.
- 14. (Ventral): Toward the front of the body.
- 17. Large, complex molecules made of smaller building blocks.
- 18. Farther from the surface.
- 19. Basic units of matter with a nucleus and orbiting electrons.
- 20. Closer to the point of attachment or origin.
- 23. (Median) Plane: A specific sagittal plane that divides the body into equal left and right halves.
- 1. Combinations of atoms bonded together.
- 2. Farther from the point of attachment or origin.
- 3. Groups of similar cells working together for a specific purpose.
- 4. Toward the upper part of the body.
- 5. (Dorsal): Toward the back of the body.
- 10. Toward the lower part of the body.
- 11. Structures made of different tissues working together.
- 15. Smallest units of life, capable of various life processes.
- 16. Particle: Tiny particles like protons, neutrons, and electrons found within atoms.
- 21. Away from the midline of the body.
- 22. Complete, living entities capable of all life processes.
- 24. (Horizontal) Plane: Divides the body into upper (superior) and lower (inferior) portions.