- 1. Joint The ball and socket joint connecting the leg to the trunk of the body
- 3. The joint connecting the hand to the radias and the ulna.
- 5. The name of the thick triangular muscle covering the shoulder joint.
- 7. Your ....................... are the agonists when you sit down on a chair.
- 11. What muscle is the antagonist when you do situps?
- 14. What is the bone on the outside of the lower leg?
- 15. Joint The joint connecting the humerus to the radias and the unla.
- 16. Joint The joint that allows your head to turn from side to side.
- 2. This bone is also known as the knee cap.
- 4. The other name for your collar bone.
- 6. The name of the action for when you pull your toes upwards.
- 8. What muscle is the agonist when we do sit ups?
- 9. The name for when you turn your palms over so they are facing upwards.
- 10. The strongest bone in the human body.
- 12. ............................ is when you bring your limbs back to your body.
- 13. ................................ happens when you straighten your joints.