- 1. The medial bone of the forearm.
- 3. The larger bone in the lower leg.
- 5. The study of cells.
- 6. The lateral bone of the forearm.
- 8. The study of tissues of the body.
- 13. The largest muscle in the body.
- 16. Sometimes the sternum is called this.
- 17. The word root for bone.
- 19. The longest bone in the arm.
- 20. The symbol for Oxygen.
- 21. The study of the bones and the skeleton.
- 26. This is made up of two or more tissues that perform a particular function.
- 28. The study of the smaller structures of the human body.
- 30. Biologists study these (two words).
- 32. The study of the nervous system.
- 33. Latin for "The study of..."
- 34. The largest organ in the body.
- 35. Not proximal.
- 2. The study of the structure of the human body.
- 4. What we study in anatomy.
- 7. The muscle that flexes the elbow.
- 9. this study, we look at the muscles.
- 10. The study of the female reproductive system.
- 11. Tissue is a group of these that have a similar function.
- 12. The study of the digestive system.
- 14. Generally described in two parts the axial and appendicular.
- 15. In this study, we look at the muscles.
- 16. A cell is the 'what' unit of life.
- 18. This expert studies the function of the human body.
- 22. The large muscle of the shoulder.
- 23. The study of the heart.
- 24. The study of the eye.
- 25. The study of the skin.
- 27. The sacs in the lung where gas exchange occurs.
- 29. The study of life.
- 31. not lateral