Anatomy Exit Ticket

  1. 3. ______ is like the “bootcamp” for white blood cells where they receive specialized training to become T cells (lymphocytes).
  2. 5. What system killer T cells belong to?
  3. 6. What bone is on your forearm/ pinky side?
  4. 8. What special sense contains the retina and cornea?
  5. 9. The _______ and spinal cord make up the Central Nervous System.
  6. 10. Platelets are like a _______ which stop bleeding.
  7. 12. What carries blood away from the heart ?
  8. 13. The integumentary system makes up your _____, hair, and nails?
  9. 14. __________ is the clear/yellowish liquid part of your blood that makes up 55% of it.
  10. 17. What system does the brain, spinal cord, and nerves belong to?
  11. 19. What bone makes up your thighs?
  12. 20. What bone makes up the top of your head?
  13. 21. What is the Latin root for white?
  14. 22. What is the Latin root that means “cell”?
  15. 23. What part of your respiratory system causes air to enter into the blood?
  16. 25. What part of your respiratory system are like balloons that fill and empty?
  17. 27. What kind of muscle makes up the heart?
  18. 31. What causes chemical digestion to occur in your mouth?
  19. 33. What system do bones belong to?
  20. 34. Your urinary system removes waste and stores in the ______ until full.
  21. 35. What causes mechanical digestion to occur right after eating food?
  22. 37. The most common type of nerve in the brain is called a _____.
  1. 1. What part of your respiratory system causes air to enter and exit?
  2. 2. What system does the gluteus maximus belong to?
  3. 4. After you chew your food, it becomes a _____ or little ball which is swallowed and goes down into your stomach.
  4. 7. Your heart is split into four sections. The bottom two sections are called your left and right __________
  5. 10. The ___NS makes up the 62 spinal nerves that go to the rest of the body.
  6. 11. What type of metal is carried inside of your red blood cells?
  7. 13. This part of your gastrointestinal system creates chyme.
  8. 15. What bone makes up your jaw?
  9. 16. What is the Latin root that means "muscle"
  10. 18. The gustatory system deals with which special sense?
  11. 23. Your heart is split into four sections. The top two sections are called your left and right __________
  12. 24. What carries blood toward the heart?
  13. 26. What type of joint is in your ankle?
  14. 28. What part of your auditory system allows you to hear?
  15. 29. What muscle opens and closes your jaw?
  16. 30. What part of your gastrointestinal system processes nutrients and breaks down fat?
  17. 32. These are the “little hairs” which increase the surface area of the small intestines.
  18. 36. What is the cardio part of the cardiovascular system?