- 3. carry blood away from the heart
- 4. middle layer of the heart
- 5. sweet, salty, sour, & bitter
- 6. irritation to the nasal cavity
- 7. sends blood out of the entire body
- 9. white blood cells that lack hemoglobin
- 11. largest solid organ
- 12. the brain steam includes: midbrain, pons, & _________
- 13. wavelike movements in the wall of an organ or duct that propel its contents forward
- 15. cartilage that guards the entrance of the trachea & covers the opening of the larynx
- 16. electrocardiograph that is used to record electrical changes produced as the heart muscle contracts
- 1. another word for right AV valve
- 2. frontal, parietal, ________, occipital
- 6. highly organized contractile unit made up of actin & myosin
- 8. what the body does to stop bleeding
- 10. functional unit that conducts impulses
- 11. irritation of the vocal cords
- 12. 3 layers of connective tissue enclosing the brain
- 13. wave of increased pressure in the vessels produced by contraction of the heart
- 14. eyes-vision, ears-hearing & balance, tongue-______