- 7. ipsilateral deviation of tongue,unaltered action of
- 9. branch of auricular branch of vagus nerve
- 11. superior oblique is supplied by
- 13. function of 8th cranial nerve
- 14. nerve supply of scalp
- 15. innervation of tensor tympani
- 16. safety muscle of tongue
- 17. valve is seen in nasolacrimal duct
- 1. nerve supply of palatine tonsil
- 2. rectus is introter of eye
- 3. lymph node draining tip of tongue
- 4. lymph node drain tonsil
- 5. rectus antagonistic muscle to superior rectus
- 6. nerve supplies to muscles of tongue
- 8. smallest muscle in body
- 10. bone forms nasal septum
- 12. nerve passes through Meckel's cage