
  1. 2. the middle ear mechanism increases sound pressure by decreasing the ___ over which force is applied
  2. 5. perforated bony core of cochlear bony labyrinth
  3. 6. cranial nerve responsible for innervating the organ of Corti
  4. 8. portion of the cochlea filled with endolymph
  5. 13. acoustic information is carried along the ___ to the primary auditory cortex
  6. 15. incomplete bony shelf dividing the scala vestibuli and scala tympani
  7. 16. resistance to flow of energy
  8. 18. location of the footplate of the stapes
  9. 19. unique cilia located on hair cells in the organ of Corti
  10. 20. colloquially known as the "ear drum"
  1. 1. lobe of the brain containing the primary auditory cortex
  2. 3. canal responsible for maintaining pressure equilibrium between the middle ear and the external atmosphere
  3. 4. bone of middle ear imagined to be "anvil" shaped
  4. 7. membrane that overlays hair cells in the organ of Corti
  5. 9. process of the malleus that contacts the tympanic membrane
  6. 10. membrane on which the organ of Corti rests
  7. 11. waxy substance that protects the ear canal by trapping foreign particles
  8. 12. muscle of the middle ear that tenses the tympanic membrane in response to loud stimuli
  9. 14. fluid filling the scala vestibuli and scala tympani of the cochlea
  10. 17. portion of the ear responsible for collecting and funneling sound