Anatomy Keyterms

  1. 4. The heart of the tooth
  2. 6. Pertaining to first dentition of 20 teeth often called baby teeth or primary teeth
  3. 9. The elevation of soft tissue covering the foramen of the incisive or nasopalatine canal.
  4. 11. A fold of mucous membrane attaching the cheeks and lips to the mandibular and maxillary mucosa and limiting the motion of the lips and cheeks.
  5. 13. The root of the tooth
  6. 14. Arch 1/4 of the mouth
  7. 15. The part of gingiva that exists coronal to the free gingiva margin on the buccal and lingual surfaces of the teeth
  8. 17. The upper jaw
  9. 18. The hard, glistening tissue covering the anatomic crown of the tooth.
  10. 19. The set of 32 secondary teeth
  11. 22. one of the four pointed teeth in human beings, situated one on each side of each jaw
  12. 25. Palate hard
  13. 27. Toward the back
  14. 28. The irregular ridges in the mucous membrane covering the anterior part of the hard palate.
  15. 29. A specialized, calcified connective tissue that covers the anatomic root of a tooth.
  16. 30. The first set of 20 primary teeth
  1. 1. Front teeth present in most mammals
  2. 2. The line equidistant from bilateral features of the head.
  3. 3. The end of the root
  4. 5. one of the eight teeth in humans, four in each jaw
  5. 7. The structure composed of mucous membranes, muscular fibers, and mucous glands, suspended from the posterior border of the hard palate forming the roof of the mouth
  6. 8. An embryonic like tissue which forms the dental pulp.
  7. 10. A natural opening in a bone or other structure.
  8. 12. A general term indicating a pendent fleshy mass.
  9. 16. The portion of the tooth that lies subjacent to the enamel and cementum
  10. 20. Toward the front surface
  11. 21. A reference solution in which the concentration is stated with regard to the number of gram molecular
  12. 23. Cementum Enamel Joint
  13. 24. The crown of a tooth
  14. 26. Natural teeth in dental arch.
  15. 29. A pointed part