- 3. A different name for the ribs
- 6. Beneath the skin layer, connected to superficial fascia
- 9. flex the humerus and rotate it outward
- 10. the middle line of the abdomen
- 13. Long, thin and narrow muscle that lies along the posterior border of the pectoralis minor
- 15. thick muscle on the scapula
- 17. the largest of the scalene muscles
- 1. extends the forearm
- 2. extend the humerus in a forward direction
- 4. flexion of the wrist, weak flexion of the elbow
- 5. Flexes, adducts, and rotates arm medially at the shoulder.
- 7. Supports the trunk and raises the neck, a fan shaped muscle that is on the superior side
- 8. produce milk on the anterior chest wall
- 11. the outermost layer
- 12. A large thick muscle on the upper arm connecting the scapula to the radius
- 14. broad and thin muscle on the innerside of the external oblique
- 16. extends, adducts, and rotates arm medially at the shoulder