Anatomy of the Membranous Labyrinth

  1. 3. membrane that separates scala vestibuli from scala media
  2. 5. found in the organ of Corti; 3,500 per ear; flask shaped cells
  3. 7. contains the organ of Corti; also called the inner ear
  4. 8. cochlear portion that sits on top of the scala media; contains perilymph and Reissner's membrane
  5. 12. connects the basilar membrane to the lateral wall of the labyrinth
  6. 13. found in the organ of Corti; 12,000 per ear; cylindrical shaped cells
  7. 14. collection of cell bodies of afferent auditory nerves
  8. 16. vascular strip located on lateral wall of scala media
  1. 1. membrane that extends out of spiral limbus into the scala media and sits on top of the organ of Corti
  2. 2. medial attachment point for Reissner's membrane
  3. 4. cochlear portion that sits below the scala media; contains perilymph
  4. 6. named after an Italian anatomist; located in scala media; sensatory organ of hearing
  5. 9. fluid found in scala media; high in K+ ions
  6. 10. membrane that separates scala media from scala tympani
  7. 11. fluid found in scala tympani and scala vestibuli; high in Na+ ions
  8. 15. also called cochlear duct; cochlear portion that sits between scala vestibuli and scala tympani; contains endolymph and organ of Corti