Anatomy of the Oral Cavity

  1. 4. The lower jaw is also called ___ .
  2. 5. Stage of the dentition that includes 20 total teeth.
  3. 9. Space between the lips/cheeks and the teeth.
  4. 11. The ___ create the posterior limit of the oral cavity.
  5. 13. Opening at the apex, through which the nerve and blood vessels go through.
  1. 1. Dental profession devoted to maintain the health the tissues in and around the mouth.
  2. 2. Side of a tooth that is farthest from the middle of the face.
  3. 3. Arches that run down, lateral and forward, from the soft palate to the side of the tongue.
  4. 6. Stage at which both primary and permanent teeth have erupted in the oral cavity.
  5. 7. The ___ create the anterior limit of the oral cavity.
  6. 8. Part of the palate that a wrinkly texture and is not mobile.
  7. 10. It's function is to manipulate food while chewing and swallowing,detects taste, and helps with speech.
  8. 12. The ___ creat the lateral limit of the oral cavity.