- 2. study of structure of organisms and its parts
- 3. study of function of living organisms and its parts
- 5. produces bile,detoxifies drugs and alcohol
- 8. inflammation of inner lining of uterus
- 13. example of unicellular organism
- 15. inflammation of stomach
- 17. building blocks of life
- 18. inflammation of urinary bladder
- 20. small body in the cell concerned with protein synthesis
- 21. liquid connective tissue
- 22. exchange of gases happens here
- 23. heart of the cell
- 25. chromosomes are made of this chemical
- 1. gel like substance within a living cell
- 3. infection/inflammation of lungs
- 4. produces insulin and digestive enzymes
- 6. complex molecules broken down to simple molecules with release of energy
- 7. removes waste and helps control BP
- 9. inflammation of the uterus
- 10. how many valves in the heart
- 11. membrane covering the heart
- 12. produces hydrochloric acid
- 14. power house of cell
- 16. upper chamber of heart
- 19. part of the body that helps in synthesis of vitamin d
- 24. voice box