Anatomy project

  1. 2. mechanically breaking down solid particles with saliva
  2. 5. difficulty in emptying the bowels
  3. 8. smooth muscle moves food
  4. 11. occurs when an internal organ pushes through a weak spot in your muscle or tissue
  5. 12. passageway for food from pharynx to the stomach
  6. 14. intestine absorption of nutrients
  7. 15. forms/stores feces cecum
  1. 1. The failure to reabsorb water in the large intestine
  2. 3. Receives food from the esophagus
  3. 4. Secretes insulin which breaks down sugars
  4. 6. Stores bile
  5. 7. Detoxification for body
  6. 9. protects tissues and absorbs substances from diet
  7. 10. inflammation of the liver
  8. 13. Inflammation of the appendix