Anatomy Puzzle

  1. 3. connected to the nuclear envelope surface is covered with ribosomes making the ER look rough.
  2. 6. is not covered in ribosomes so it looks smooth.
  3. 8. Cells take in tiny droplets of liquid from their surroundings.
  4. 10. the cell membrane is either permeable or impermeable to certain substances
  5. 12. also consists of flattened, membranous sacs, sorts package proteins.
  6. 13. solutions that have higher osmotic pressure than body fluids.
  7. 16. the movement of water across a selectively permeable membrane in to a compartment containing solute that cannot cross the same membrane.
  8. 17. short hairlke projections from the cell membrane
  9. 18. the cellular contents between the cell membrane
  10. 22. fingerlike projections in the cell membrane which increase surface area of the cell.
  11. 23. membranous sacs that resemble lysosmomes in size and shape.
  12. 24. protein rods and tubules that form a supportive framework.
  13. 25. intracellular fluid, surrounds the organelles.
  14. 28. cells with specialized characteristics
  15. 30. any solution that has the same osmotic pressure as body fluids.
  16. 31. a structure located in the cytoplasm near the nucleus.
  17. 32. membranes bounded packages pinched off from the golgi complex.
  18. 33. consists of loosely coiled fibers in the nuclear fluid.
  19. 35. proteins that guide movements of cells.
  1. 1. Lipid Bi-layer made of phospholipids, gives the cell shape and protects it.
  2. 2. Series of biochemical reactions that allows cells to receive and respond to messages coming through the cell membrane.
  3. 4. intracellular structures having a characteristic shapes.
  4. 5. very small structures in the cytoplasm are assembled from protein and rRNA.
  5. 7. the movement of particles into and out of cells through the cell membrane is essential.
  6. 9. Stored in the nucleus of the cell
  7. 11. a network of membranes in the shape of flattened sacs or tubules
  8. 14. protein lined channel in the nuclear envelope.
  9. 15. Membranous sacs that vary in size and content
  10. 19. organic molecules that stores and releases energy.
  11. 20. The powerhouses of the cell. Generates ATP via aerobic respiration.
  12. 21. movement of material through a membrane.
  13. 26. Membrane that allows some types of molecules through but not others.
  14. 27. similar to pinocytosis but the cell takes in solids rather than liquid.
  15. 29. loger cilia, move the cell.
  16. 34. oval shaped structure stores DNA.