Anatomy Puzzle

  1. 4. made up of glands that secrete hormones;hormones regulate many body activities
  2. 8. improvement or absence of signs of disease
  3. 10. tumor of green color
  4. 11. tumor composed of muscle
  5. 13. space that contains the urinary bladder and reproductive organs
  6. 14. group of similar cells that performs a specific function
  7. 15. made up of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves;these regulate specific body activities by sending messages
  8. 17. increase in the severity of a disease or its symptoms
  9. 20. study of medicine
  1. 1. malignant tumor composed of fiber
  2. 2. pertaining to the body
  3. 3. not malignant, nonrecurrent, favorable for recovery
  4. 5. pertaining to the internal organs
  5. 6. space inside the skull that contains the brain
  6. 7. AKA white blood cell
  7. 9. cell substance
  8. 10. substance that causes cancer
  9. 12. tumor composed of glandular tissue
  10. 16. increase in the number of red blood cells
  11. 18. physician who studies and treats tumors
  12. 19. study of tissue