- 1. lobe dealing with higher thought
- 3. During Sliding Filament theory it is what the muscle contracts closer to
- 6. lobe responsible for hearing
- 9. gland Responsible for sweat production
- 10. Top layer of skin
- 12. 3 Degrees of this all can damage skin
- 14. tissue using electrical impulses
- 15. bone type Ex: scapula
- 16. Blood cell type made yellow bone marrow
- 20. bone type Ex: carpals
- 21. middle layer of the heart
- 22. lobe dealing with sight
- 23. Third phase in integumentary repair
- 26. Muscle type that is multinucleated and striated
- 27. Study of body function
- 31. tissue type that covers the body surface and lines body cavities
- 33. carries oxygenated blood
- 36. shaft of bones
- 37. Muscle name associated with the Greek letter Delta
- 39. study of body structure
- 41. rate in which bacteria reproduce a minute
- 42. Normal rate 120 or less
- 43. how osteons are arranged
- 46. Smallest layer in Muscle structure
- 48. Greek root entero
- 49. The language muscle names are based on
- 51. controls heart rate breathing
- 52. tissue supports and protects body organs.
- 2. Tissue type that makes up the hypodermis
- 4. Greek root lacrim
- 5. produce bone
- 7. what gives blood its color
- 8. break down bone
- 11. Ability to recoil to original shape
- 13. Middle layer of skin
- 17. carries deoxygenated blood
- 18. Muscle type that is nonstriated
- 19. Membrane that covers the whole muscle
- 21. Can occur after intense exercise or the absence of ATP(2 words)
- 24. Greek root hepa
- 25. How a muscle attaches to a bone
- 28. connects bone to bone
- 29. thrombocytes
- 30. ends of bones
- 32. Lower layer of skin
- 34. tissue that provides movement.
- 35. Greek root axill
- 38. Normal rate 80 or less
- 40. B antigens,Anti-A antibodies
- 44. muscle Muscle that is striated uninuclear
- 45. Helps in creating skin tone
- 47. bone type ex:femur
- 50. A-anti and Anti-B antibodies