Anatomy Review Chapters 6 and 7

  1. 2. also called the epimysium; tough, translucent sheath covering a muscle
  2. 3. system that fights diseases and wards off infections
  3. 7. the material surrounding cells in a tissue
  4. 8. system that removes soluble waste from the body
  5. 11. tissue type used for movement
  6. 12. the end of a long bone
  7. 13. the hair, skin, and sweat glands
  8. 15. tissue type that holds and attaches parts
  9. 19. the joint type between the arm and shoulder, hip and thigh
  10. 20. system of support includes bones and carttilage
  11. 21. system used for transportation of oxygen, food, and waste
  12. 23. moves the bones of the body
  13. 25. tissue type which covers and lines body surfaces
  14. 28. the tough covering of a bone
  15. 29. muscle of the intestinal tract
  16. 30. tissue type found in the brain
  17. 31. the degeneration of muscle tissue
  1. 1. the muscle of the heart
  2. 4. the neuron and group of muscle cells it controls
  3. 5. system that breaks down food to release nutrients
  4. 6. type of bone found in the epiphyses
  5. 9. system including various glands and the hormones each secretes
  6. 10. system that creates new individuals
  7. 14. the space located in your chest
  8. 16. skeletal division including the skull, vertebral column. and ribs
  9. 17. attaches bone to bone
  10. 18. muscle pulling the shoulders and head back
  11. 22. system that exchanges gases
  12. 24. skeletal division including the arm and leg bones
  13. 26. attaches muscle to bone
  14. 27. the shaft of a long bone