Anatomy Rules

  1. 2. Crosses over during pronation.
  2. 3. 5 fused bones
  3. 4. Subject of an ESL class.
  4. 6. Where glasses rest.
  5. 10. Skeletal meeting place.
  6. 13. Stretchy protein
  7. 15. They have a lunula.
  8. 18. Jaw joint
  9. 19. No weight? No lie!
  10. 21. A thrombus
  11. 25. Wifi irritant
  12. 26. Carriers to the "pump"
  13. 27. Target of cephalgia.
  14. 28. The olecranon makes it.
  15. 29. Where the alveoli can be found.
  16. 31. Goes with "growth" to describe where things lengthen.
  17. 32. Describing a bulging disc.
  18. 34. What scoliosis deforms
  19. 35. Back?
  20. 36. "Current" creators.
  21. 38. Properly "swelling"
  22. 39. Rule of 9's is used on this injury.
  23. 40. Big vessel
  24. 41. Type of dense regular CT
  1. 1. Above
  2. 3. The "body" of a neurocyte.
  3. 5. Prefix with "polar" to describe chemical that don't easily dissolve in water.
  4. 7. Can cause baldness.
  5. 8. Disorder of lacking pigmentation in patches.
  6. 9. One of the two types of bone.
  7. 11. It has an olecranon
  8. 12. 34-38 created in respiration.
  9. 14. What happens when you stop working out
  10. 16. Under
  11. 17. Layers
  12. 20. P? or PP?
  13. 21. Distal femur has two of these.
  14. 22. OMG! I can see the bone sticking out!!
  15. 23. What Mr Sewell needs to stay away from if he ever plans on losing weight.
  16. 24. Amount for your thoughts.
  17. 29. It describes the smaller sticky-outy-thingy.
  18. 30. Embedded bone (ex: patella)
  19. 33. Hypersensitive reaction
  20. 37. Wing (bone)