- 1. crackling sound in joint
- 7. part found further from the middle
- 9. close to a point of reference
- 10. very sudden and new
- 11. At the ankle, the toe turned inward
- 12. When your arms move away from your body
- 15. When you fall on concrete and hit your knee you get a...
- 16. dividing the body into right and left
- 17. towards the middle of body
- 18. bruise
- 19. referring to behind body part
- 20. straightening/opening the joint
- 21. at the ankle and the foot turning out
- 2. Referring to below a body part
- 3. bending/closing the joint
- 4. Dividing the body into front and back
- 5. further away from point
- 6. turning palm up
- 8. arms moving towards body
- 9. turning palm down
- 13. diving body into up and down
- 14. Jagged cut
- 18. old and long lasting