Anatomy: Units 1-3 Review

  1. 2. system that helps with breathing
  2. 4. control center of cell
  3. 9. organic molecule that gives energy
  4. 10. transport where particles travel from low to high concentration
  5. 11. pH greater than 7
  6. 12. salts in body that help keep osmotic pressure
  7. 13. behind
  8. 17. part of feedback loop that detects change
  9. 19. balance/wanted environment
  10. 20. in the middle
  11. 21. above
  12. 23. where all the organelles are stored
  13. 24. pH less than 7
  14. 25. close to the heart
  1. 1. system that sends signals all around body
  2. 3. close to the surface
  3. 5. part of feedback loop that shows what is wanted
  4. 6. below
  5. 7. to the side
  6. 8. system that gives movement
  7. 10. front
  8. 14. system that gives structure
  9. 15. organic molecule that helps build things
  10. 16. organelle giving power to cell
  11. 18. transport where particles scatter from high to low concentration
  12. 22. system that regulates hormones