- 2. protects the nervous system, and is divided into two HINT:My brain is part of this
- 9. Away from the surface of the body HINT: the lungs are deep to the skin
- 10. considers the operation of specific organ systems and foucuses on the functions of the body.
- 13. belly side of a human HINT: my eyes are on the ventral side of my face
- 17. away from the midline of the body HINT: My arms are lateral to my chest
- 18. building block of the body HINT: Our bodies are composed of trillions of cells
- 19. the head, neck, and trunk region HINT: my axial skeleton protects my skull and brain
- 20. atoms combined to form molecules
- 22. is a cutaneous membrane and has 2 layers the epidermis and the dermis HINT: human skin is 2mm thick
- 25. forehead area
- 26. front of the body HINt:the breastbone is anterior to the spine
- 27. found all over the body, regulates body's heat
- 29. disturbance of homeostasis or the bodys normal equilibrium HINT: When i have a fever it is a example of a homeostasis imbalancement
- 31. closer to and farther from the origin of the body HINT: my knee is distal to the thigh
- 32. is divided into pleural cavities,the mediastinum, and the pericardial cavity HINT: My heart is part of my thoracic cavity
- 1. the operation of the heart and blood vessels
- 3. contain the digestive and reproductive systems HINT: My stomach is part of the abdomenpelvic cavity
- 4. consists of different organs that work closely together
- 5. toward and away from the head, respectively HINT:My head is superior to the abdomen
- 6. divides the body into right and left HINT:cuts through center of the body
- 7. formed by the bones of the vertebral column and houses the spinal cord
- 8. the backside of the human body
- 11. between a more medial and more lateral structure HINT: the collar bone is intermediate between the breastbone and shoulder
- 12. moist membranes adapted for absorption or secretion that line all body cavities that open to the extrerior body surface HINT: exssesive production of muucosa of nasal cavity can make you congested or give you a runny nose
- 14. the stufy of the cell
- 15. a pigment that contributes to the skin color (yellow, reddish brown, and black) HINT: Darker skin has a lot of melanin
- 16. toward or at the middle of the body HINT: the heart is medial to my arm
- 21. consists of different organs that work closely together HINT: every living thing is an organism
- 23. closer to the feet HINT:the navel is inferior to the chin
- 24. Towards the surface of the body HINT: The skin is superficial to the skeletal muscles
- 28. region upon the stomach HINT: The part just bellow our rib cage
- 30. the study of the structure of body parts and their relationship to one another HINT:teaches basic knowledge of your body.