Anatomy Vocab

  1. 4. damage to surface skin and tissue
  2. 5. towards the head
  3. 8. middle or center
  4. 11. movement of soles from mid-line
  5. 13. close to the center
  6. 15. surface layer of skin is broken
  7. 17. motion of limb, towards the center
  8. 19. rotation of forearm, downwards or backwards
  9. 20. movement of soles facing inwards
  10. 23. movement shorting the angle between body parts
  11. 24. tearing of soft body tissue
  1. 1. movement increasing the angle between body parts
  2. 2. divides upper from lower
  3. 3. to the side of the middle
  4. 6. rear or hind end
  5. 7. sever or sudden
  6. 9. far away
  7. 10. motion of limb,away from the mid-line
  8. 12. rotation of forearm upwards or forward
  9. 14. noise of flexing a joint
  10. 16. divides body front to back, perpendicular
  11. 18. long time
  12. 21. front to back, divides body left to right
  13. 22. lower in position