
  1. 6. / the study of the functions of body parts, what they do and how they do it
  2. 8. / the basic unit of structure and function
  3. 9. / preffix for heart
  4. 12. / passge of substances through membranes and into body fluids
  5. 14. / reaction to a change inside or outside the body
  6. 16. / preffix for change
  7. 20. / preffix for back
  8. 21. / preffix for wall
  9. 23. / obtaining oxygen, removing carbon dioxide, and releasing energy from foods
  10. 24. / preffix for same
  1. 1. / the study of the structure of body parts, their forms and how they are organized
  2. 2. / suffix for study of
  3. 3. / production of new organisms and new cells
  4. 4. / increase in body size without change in shape
  5. 5. / breakdown of food substances into simpler forms that can be absorbed and used
  6. 7. point / tells what a particular value should be
  7. 10. / removal of wastes produced by metabolic reactions
  8. 11. / change in position of the body or of a body part
  9. 12. / changing absorbed substances into chemically different forms
  10. 13. / preffix for rib
  11. 15. / suffix for standing still
  12. 17. / suffix for cutting
  13. 18. / sum total of all of the chemical reactions in the body that break substances down and build them up
  14. 19. / movement of substances in body fluid
  15. 22. / preffix for around