Ancient Amercias

  1. 2. conquered the Aztec
  2. 3. great Maya achievement
  3. 6. Inca achievement to help if there is a drought
  4. 9. warriors
  5. 10. crop grown by Inca, Aztec and Maya
  6. 13. where the Maya lived
  7. 14. organized into city-states
  8. 15. Inca way of farming
  9. 16. Inca kept records using this
  10. 18. discovered that potatoes grew at high altitudes
  11. 19. place where the Aztec lived
  12. 20. great Aztec capital city
  13. 23. Inca were great at this
  14. 25. conquered the Inca
  1. 1. Aztec form of currency
  2. 4. religion of the Aztec, Inca and Maya
  3. 5. Inca language
  4. 7. home to the Aztec and the Inca
  5. 8. practice of the Aztec/Maya to appease the gods
  6. 11. where the Inca thrived
  7. 12. Aztec way of farming
  8. 17. the Maya did this before the Spanish arrived in the new world
  9. 21. the Inca used this for wool and meat
  10. 22. Aztec emperor
  11. 24. Inca capital city