Ancient Athens

  1. 4. Supports or holds up something.
  2. 6. It is a list of topics to be discussed at a meeting
  3. 9. Names are drawn by chance from a large number of choices
  4. 11. The person who is accused of a crime in a court case
  5. 13. A type of democracy where people vote to make every decision rather than having representatives
  6. 16. Citizens of Athens were divided into 10 of these political groups
  7. 17. The person who brings a complaint about another person to court
  8. 18. It was a government official who works for the court
  9. 20. It was the regular opportunity for all male citizens of Athens to speak their minds and exercise their votes regarding the government of their city. It was the most central and most definitive institution of the Athenian Democracy.
  1. 1. It was the full-time government of Athens. It was known as the Council of 500.
  2. 2. A person owned by another person
  3. 3. someone who speaks in public
  4. 4. It was the place where the assembly met
  5. 5. The only members of society who could vote and take part in government: man over the age of 20 years old, born in Athens with Athenian parents.
  6. 7. The type of government system Athens is known for creating
  7. 8. It was a building in ancient Greece which housed the council of 500.
  8. 10. If the defendant was found guilty, the jury would vote on the ______
  9. 12. It is a decision made by people who are in authority
  10. 14. It is where you decide on criminal cases.
  11. 15. A temporary banishment of a citizen, decided upon by popular vote.
  12. 19. A man living in Athens who was not born there