Ancient China

  1. 5. red and____ are the colours and the Chinese flag.
  2. 8. Traditional Chinese medicine
  3. 12. is an ancient Chinese belief system, which focuses on the importance of personal ethics and...
  4. 15. Buddhists believe in a combination of Mahayana Buddhism and…
  5. 16. makes people feel better.
  6. 17. what did Emperor Shen Nung discover?
  7. 18. Shen Nung discovered tea when leaves from a wild____blew into his pot of boiling water.
  1. 1. some of the traditional cultural values that influence the psyche of the Chinese people are harmony, benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, and..... Garlic some the vegetables they ate were yams, soya beans, broad beans, and turnip as well as spring onions and________.
  2. 2. On of the four great inventions from ancient china.
  3. 3. They ate a lot of____
  4. 4. Head of house.
  5. 6. they ate grains like rice, wheat, and millet. They also ate plenty of meat including pork, chicken, duck,..... pheasant, and dog.
  6. 7. development of Kung Fu started during the feudal_____ (221 BC - 1911)
  7. 9. we are learning the history of...
  8. 10. what culture is this.
  9. 11. The Last Emperor of China, Puyi, became___when he was only 3 years old.
  10. 13. they also ate a lot of_____
  11. 14. on of the colours on the Chinese flag is____.