Ancient China

  1. 4. Who was the only female emperor of China?
  2. 5. How many guiding principles did legalism have?
  3. 7. What was invented during the Han Dynasty the is used a lot even today?
  4. 9. What did legalism introduce to Ancient China?
  5. 10. What was the use of knife and fork replaced by?
  6. 15. What was Tian not considered?
  7. 16. What did the Chinese call the Europeans?
  8. 17. What were oracle bones used for?
  9. 18. From where was Buddhism introduced into China?
  1. 1. What did the Chinese accidentally invent?
  2. 2. What is the translation of the word "ren"?
  3. 3. What did the Chinese become (fear of foreigners)?
  4. 6. What was Confucius (job)?
  5. 8. Which city was the cultural centre of Asia?
  6. 11. Who did the kings worship?
  7. 12. In the early period, from who did the children take their surnames from?
  8. 13. What did tiny feet in golden slippers resemble?
  9. 14. What is something only the Chinese knew how to make?