Ancient China

  1. 1. One of the three major religions of China, doesn't belive in any gods
  2. 4. Chinese water and weather god
  3. 5. Chinese philosopher
  4. 9. a Chinese invention that always points north
  5. 12. largest desert in east Asia
  6. 13. china's national drink
  7. 15. big animals that eat bamboo
  8. 16. A style of writing that was considered an art form
  9. 17. worlds 3rd largest river
  10. 18. sugar coated fruit on a stick, originally made for powerful people
  1. 1. China's capital
  2. 2. and animal based on birth year
  3. 3. silk robes worn by emperors
  4. 6. A set of rulers from the same family
  5. 7. A fast growing grass that pandas eat
  6. 8. the process of making paper, a Chinese invention
  7. 9. the most populated country in the world
  8. 10. tallest mountain in the world, border of china
  9. 11. a long wall built for protection.
  10. 14. supreme god of law, order, justice, and creation