Ancient China - Brayden

  1. 2. What was the Chinese invention that many boys brought to school
  2. 3. Which dynasty built the Forbidden City
  3. 6. Who was the leader of Confucianism
  4. 7. What did Chinese think was almost as necessary as school
  5. 10. What was the structure called that was to protect Chinese from the mongols
  6. 11. What was the toy called that kids used to fly in the air
  7. 13. What is the most common religion in China
  8. 14. What was the first dynasty for China
  1. 1. What did the Chinese navigators begin to use
  2. 4. Chinese writing system started out as what
  3. 5. what was the number that Chinese thought was lucky
  4. 7. In 1211 who invaded China
  5. 8. Chinese invented paper made out of what
  6. 9. Who was the leader for Taoism
  7. 12. Confucianism and Taoism originated during which Chinese dynasty