Ancient China Crossword

  1. 2. one of the main jobs in Ancient china
  2. 4. they were ruled by an _______
  3. 7. _____
  4. 9. Chinese ______ is a collection of cultural history
  5. 11. the amount of religions in ancient china
  6. 12. one of the religions
  7. 15. what the government was based off of
  8. 16. vast majority of Chinese families lived in small farming ____
  9. 17. the people of ancient china were ____ farmers
  1. 1. ______ had no legal rights
  2. 3. Confucianism and Taoism two of the three main ___
  3. 5. the children spent most of their time working in _____
  4. 6. the Chinese worshiped gods of ______
  5. 8. the social group classes of Ancient China
  6. 10. you had to ____ by the rulers laws
  7. 13. one of ancient china's dynasties
  8. 14. The Chinese economy was based on _____