Ancient China Crossword

  1. 3. On special occasions, such as the death of a king, _____ were sacrificed.
  2. 6. This is a very thin cloth made from cocoons spun by worms.
  3. 7. The beliefs and teaching of Confucius were written down and become the philosophy known as _____.
  4. 9. The fertile ______ beside rivers provided rich soil for farming and hunting.
  5. 11. A Chinese dynasty that lasted from AD 1368 to 1644, and patrolled the Great Wall with 100,000 soldiers.
  6. 12. The Yellow River is called that because of the color of the _____ it carries.
  7. 13. The most important Chinese god known as "the Ruler Above."
  8. 15. During the time of the Xia Dynasty, _____-casting was developed.
  9. 19. One of the great achievements of the Chinese that was built to keep out invaders.
  10. 20. The philosphy of Lao-tzu is called _____ and means "the way."
  1. 1. Lived from 551BC to 479 BC and taught politeness, sincerity, unselfishness, respect for laws, and hard work.
  2. 2. The Chinese built irrigation _____ to water their crops.
  3. 4. The trade routes to West Asia and Europe from China. Named after one of the most valuable items exported along the routes.
  4. 5. The _____ River is the second longest river in China and is where the Chinese civilization first developed.
  5. 8. To please their ancestors, the Chinese built _____ and held many celebrations there.
  6. 9. Taught that people should withdrawal from society and live simples lives in harmony with nature.
  7. 10. Like other early civilizations, China developed on the banks of major ______.
  8. 14. The ancient Chinese worshipped their _____ and believed that they had powers to help them make wise decisions or to punish them.
  9. 16. The _____ Dynasty lasted from about 1766BC to 1122BC.
  10. 17. The _____ Dynasty is considered to be the first dynasty of kings to rule China.
  11. 18. The Huang He River is sometimes referred to as the _____ River.