Ancient China-Marlo Muntean-Sherrod

  1. 1. This dynasty built The Great Wall Of China and made clay soldiers to protect their leader
  2. 3. The first dynasty in China
  3. 8. The founder of Confucianism
  4. 11. A strong ceramic that is made from kaolin
  5. 12. Used to protect China from the invading Mongols
  6. 13. A home for the emperor with 9,999 rooms
  7. 15. The most common religion in China
  8. 17. A religion based on finding peace with nature
  9. 18. The Chinese first settled on this river valley
  1. 1. The last Chinese Dynasty
  2. 2. The Chinese were the first to make paper of of this
  3. 3. This type of food was made to preserve wood in Ancient China
  4. 4. A religion based on taking responsibility for society
  5. 5. An invention made by the Chinese used by inserting needles on ones body to relieve pain or sickness
  6. 6. The Chinese used these types of symbols when writing in Cuneiform
  7. 7. Families of rulers or kings
  8. 9. A fabric made from worm cocoons
  9. 10. A group of trading routes used in Ancient China
  10. 14. The symbol of Taoism used to represent opposite forces
  11. 16. One out of every _____ people live in China