Ancient China - sections 1 & 2

  1. 5. synonym for prediction
  2. 6. The most important element used by the Shang Dynasty
  3. 7. most famous Daoist teacher
  4. 8. the way something is set up organized
  5. 9. was grown in the middle Chang Jiang Valley as early as 7000 BC
  6. 11. The Shang invented the potter's wheel to make different types of
  7. 13. taught ethics and is considered the most influential Chinese teacher
  8. 15. the area along the Huang He was suited for growing wheat and
  9. 17. people of high rank
  10. 19. states that one should live in harmony with the guiding force of all reality
  1. 1. the other name of the Huang He River
  2. 2. The Chang Jiang River is also called this
  3. 3. the belief that people were bad by nature and needed laws to govern them
  4. 4. Chinese writing started as
  5. 6. Priests would write on these to try to predict the future
  6. 10. This Chinese Dynasty was ruled by a king and other Chinese nobles
  7. 12. Yu the Great is said to have founded this dynasty around 2200 BC
  8. 13. Two Chinese armies fought against each other for almost two hundred years. This is known as
  9. 14. with small farms
  10. 16. moral values
  11. 18. "the way"