  1. 3. Because of its geography China developed and ______________ society
  2. 4. What the Chinese called themselves because they believed their culture was the center of the Earth
  3. 5. Existed under the Han Dynasty because of peace
  4. 6. Long era of conflict:_______________ States Period
  5. 12. Built by Qin leader to protect China
  6. 14. Military technology developed by the Chinese
  7. 15. Name of Han Leader
  8. 16. Wu Wei means
  9. 18. Founder of Daoism
  10. 19. Name of the first Chinese dynasty
  11. 21. Trade routes between Asia and Europe
  12. 22. Founder of Legalism
  13. 23. Political philosophy used by the Han Dynasty
  14. 25. Dynasty that used Legalism as its political philosophy
  15. 27. The right to rule from the gods
  1. 1. Belief that one’s own race is the most important and that all aspects of its culture are superior to those of other groups
  2. 2. Major desert found in China
  3. 7. Filial Piety is the idea that people should _______________ their parents and elders
  4. 8. Material used for artwork during the Han Dynasty
  5. 9. Name of the major river that the early Chinese settled near
  6. 10. Project built during the Sui Dynasty that connected North and South China
  7. 11. Chinese civilization began in this geographic area, the North China ______________
  8. 13. Legalists believe that punishments should be __________________.
  9. 17. _______Exams to ensure the most qualified served in government
  10. 20. Major Mountain Range in China
  11. 21. Valuable textile made from wrigglers
  12. 24. Qin leader had these idea-spreaders burned
  13. 26. Name of the longest-lasting Chinese dynasty
  14. 28. "The natural way of the Universe"