  1. 4. 6th century B.C first great teacher of Daoism who taught before Confucius
  2. 7. the Chinese dynasty founded by the first Chinese emperor, Shi Huangdi in 221 B.C
  3. 12. a river that cuts through the north china plain
  4. 13. the capital of China
  5. 15. king of Qui who created the first unified Chinese empire and became the first Chinese emperor
  6. 16. Chinese emperor who uncreased authority during the Han dynasty
  7. 17. a relative that lived longer ago than an grandparent
  8. 19. a process in which two crops are grown on the same land in the same year
  9. 20. a dynasty that lasted from 1760 B.C to 1500 B.C in China
  10. 24. a dike used to control flooding
  11. 25. the area of land surrounding the Huang river
  12. 26. a period of time where bronze was used to make items such as tools and weapons
  13. 27. The Great Wall of China is a series of fortifications made of stone, brick, tamped earth, wood, and other materials, generally built along an east-to-west line across the historical northern borders of china
  14. 28. a dyanasty that lasted from 206 B.C to A.D 220
  1. 1. a mountain rage in southern Asia includes the highest point on earth
  2. 2. political divisions
  3. 3. Chinese teacher of morals that came to embody the core of Confucianism
  4. 5. disciple of Confucius who is regarded as second only to Confucius as the co-founder of Confucianism
  5. 6. the practice of using skills and talents to work in the government
  6. 8. the largest Chinese dynasty, lasting from 770 B.C to 221 B.C
  7. 9. the major trade route used by the Chinese and the rest of the world
  8. 10. a yellowish brown soil that blows in from a desert
  9. 11. the region where human settlement and cultures began in China
  10. 14. a person who goes between buyers and sellers
  11. 18. platform of earth
  12. 21. Chinese astronomer who became the first Chinese historian after writing a completed history book on china
  13. 22. a bone commonly used during the Shange dynasty in China to predict the future
  14. 23. picture that represents a word
  15. 29. Plateau a Rockey region in west of china