Ancient China

  1. 3. A sequence of rulers from the same family
  2. 4. The ideas of the Chinese philosopher Confucius, which became a guide for the way people live.
  3. 7. method of relieving the pain by sticking tiny needles in the skin.
  4. 9. A system that runs the day-to-day business of government
  5. 11. Kind treatment of parents; translation of the Chinese word Xiao.
  6. 14. A trade route that sketched from China to the Mediterranean Sea.
  1. 1. a religion and philosophy that teaches that the key to a long life and happiness is to accept life as it is.
  2. 2. chinese philosopher and teacher whose beliefs had a great influence on Chinese life
  3. 5. The right to rule;the Chinese believed heaven gave it to their emperors.
  4. 6. Achieved China's golden age
  5. 8. balance of the extremes
  6. 10. Organized the building of the great wall of China
  7. 12. Chinese teachings that express a brief in the strict following of laws.
  8. 13. chinese peace