Ancient China

  1. 3. A belief in China
  2. 7. A _____ crops feilds and looks after animals
  3. 9. The leader of china
  4. 10. What the Chinese use to eat
  5. 11. The poor people of china treated very badly
  6. 12. A type of religon starting with D
  7. 13. A type of fighting
  8. 14. The dregon represents _______
  9. 15. A black and white symbol
  10. 17. A very well known place in China starting with Silk
  11. 19. the language of china
  1. 1. A person who fights for China
  2. 2. A follower of Daoism
  3. 4. The common plant in China
  4. 5. most famous thing in china
  5. 6. A place to pray
  6. 8. The most common food in china that the Chinese invented
  7. 10. A type of religon starting with C
  8. 16. A religon strating with B
  9. 18. once a leader of China