Ancient Chinese Vocabulary Assignment

  1. 1. First Chinese dynasty where written evidence exists; flourished 1600 to 1046 BCE.
  2. 4. A series of rulers from the same family.
  3. 6. Large River creating a thriving river valley.
  4. 7. Remembered as prosperous era in Chinese History.
  5. 10. The group of people who carry out the work of the government.
  6. 12. The animal bones or tortoise shells used by ancient Chinese priests to communicate with the gods.
  1. 2. World's longest man made structure built to keep invaders from the north out of China.
  2. 3. Family members from past generations.
  3. 5. Longest major river in China.
  4. 8. Worthy, deserving recognition and praise.
  5. 9. Chinese dynasty in 200s BCE.
  6. 11. An inheritance.
  7. 13. One of the most influential philosophies in Chinese history focused on duty and public service.