ancient city

  1. 2. Ancient empire known for its republic and later imperial rule
  2. 6. Historic city on the Silk Road in present-day Uzbekistan
  3. 10. Ancient Indian city, capital of the Maurya Empire
  4. 14. Ancient Greek city known for the Temple of Artemis
  5. 15. Ancient city in modern-day Syria, important for its archives
  6. 16. Ancient Assyrian city with impressive archaeological finds
  7. 17. Minoan city on Crete known for its palace and frescoes
  8. 18. Ancient Elamite city, later part of the Persian Empire
  9. 20. Ancient Mesoamerican city with the Pyramid of the Sun
  10. 22. Ancient city significant in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
  11. 25. Ancient kingdom located in modern-day Turkey and Armenia
  12. 28. Ancient city-state in modern-day Syria
  13. 29. Ancient Mesopotamian city known for its Hanging Gardens
  14. 30. Greek city-state known for its military prowess
  15. 33. Rock-cut city in Jordan known for its architectural ruins
  16. 35. Ancient Greek city associated with Homer’s epics
  17. 36. Ancient Phoenician city-state and rival of Rome
  18. 37. Ancient Egyptian city, capital of the Hyksos Dynasty
  19. 38. Ancient city of Lydia, known for its wealth
  20. 39. Ancient Phoenician city, rival of Tyre
  21. 40. Ancient Egyptian city famous for its temples and tombs
  22. 42. Region in Central Asia, known for its Silk Road cities
  23. 43. Capital of the Assyrian Empire
  24. 44. Ancient city known for its ruins in present-day Syria
  25. 45. Ancient Egyptian city known for its proximity to the pyramids
  1. 1. Former Byzantine capital city, now Istanbul
  2. 3. Ancient city in present-day Uzbekistan, a Silk Road hub
  3. 4. Major Sumerian city-state in ancient Mesopotamia
  4. 5. Greek city famous for its philosophers and trade
  5. 7. Greek city-state known for its contributions to philosophy and democracy
  6. 8. Ceremonial capital of the Persian Empire
  7. 9. Region known for its early civilization in Mesopotamia
  8. 11. Ancient city famed for its role in the Trojan War
  9. 12. Ancient kingdom in present-day Jordan
  10. 13. Capital of the Hittite Empire
  11. 19. Mayan city known for the Temple of Kukulcán
  12. 21. Ancient Phoenician city-state, notable for its purple dye
  13. 22. One of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world
  14. 23. Major city of the Indus Valley Civilization
  15. 24. Ancient city dedicated to the sun god Ra
  16. 26. Early Sumerian city known for its role in early writing
  17. 27. Ancient city of the Indus Valley Civilization
  18. 31. Ancient Egyptian city founded by Alexander the Great
  19. 32. Ancient city-state in modern-day Syria
  20. 34. Capital of the Qin Dynasty in ancient China
  21. 41. Ancient Phoenician city known for its early alphabet
  22. 46. Ancient city on the Silk Road, in present-day Turkmenistan