Ancient Civilizations/Egypt & Harappa (p.15-18)

  1. 7. Literally means 'New Stone Age'
  2. 9. There is no way out of this for people of Harappa
  3. 11. Houses in Harappa had none of this
  4. 12. A stepped pyramid
  5. 14. Indian philosophy has no concept of this
  6. 15. This group killed travellers coming to Harappa
  7. 17. Old name for modern Iraq
  8. 18. Capital city of King Ur-Nammu
  9. 21. Capital city of King Hammurabi
  1. 1. First civilization between the Tigris and ____
  2. 2. Chief goddess of Harappa
  3. 3. First ruler of Sumer
  4. 4. When this ended the climate changed
  5. 5. Belief that man lives in different bodies
  6. 6. This happens to the Nile each year
  7. 8. Modern name for 'Harrappa'
  8. 10. A 'civilization' has true cities and ______
  9. 13. The northwest of India is now called ______
  10. 16. There is better soil and water in these
  11. 19. Chief god of Harappa
  12. 20. First dictator of Egypt in 3100BC