ancient Egypt

  1. 2. Nile 12ALongest River in the world
  2. 3. continent are ancient Egypt in?
  3. 5. THEY PLAY?
  4. 8. the special things the owner left in it.
  5. 10. is tomb.
  6. 11. pyramid
  7. 12. they eat?
  8. 13. Half animal had human sand statue
  9. 14. does they wear for more pretty?
  10. 15. Building 11Awhere mummies are buried
  11. 16. Camel
  12. 17. figs
  13. 18. River are in ancient Egypt.
  1. 1. is ancient Egypt?
  2. 2. Ancient Egyptian Capital
  3. 3. Northeast Africa
  4. 4. Nile River
  5. 5. Hand ball
  6. 6. they drink?
  7. 7. a part of Egypt
  8. 9. Big long river in egypt
  9. 12. vegetables
  10. 13. what is inside a tomb.
  11. 14. Jewellery
  12. 16. animal are in the desert?