Ancient Greece

  1. 6. A large empire that spread from India to Greece.
  2. 8. Hades' three headed dog that guards the underworld.
  3. 9. A student of Socrates. Thought our world was a faulty reflection of another.
  4. 10. A famous Macedonian conqueror hat at one point had control of much of europe and asia
  5. 11. A land north of Greece who were thought to be barbaric.
  6. 13. A famous battle during the Persian wars where the Greeks were famously outnumbered.
  7. 14. A student of Plato. Taught Alexander the Great.
  8. 15. The king of gods as well as the god of lightning
  1. 1. A Greek philosopher who invented the Socratic Method.
  2. 2. A famous story about the trojan wars
  3. 3. A city-state who rivaled Athens. Was an egalitarian society.
  4. 4. Sea A large body of water that was used by many different civilizations, including Greece, for a source of water
  5. 5. A Greek city state that is in modern day turkey, and fought a battle with the Greeks, and is featured in the Illiad.
  6. 7. A city-state who rivaled Sparta. Used Direct Democracy as its government.
  7. 8. Capitals were called Doric, Ionic, or Corinthian.
  8. 12. Faught between Athens and Sparta