Ancient Greece

  1. 4. Stabs Cyclops in the eye and is a warrior who is very
  2. 5. Searched for the understanding of the world and categorized everything.
  3. 6. Athenian philosopher who had studied ethics or the study of right and wrong.
  4. 8. Ruled by an individual who had seized power by unconstitutional means.
  5. 9. Was a philosopher in history and studied the Superior world.
  1. 1. A city-state that had traded and were rivals with other city-states.
  2. 2. Expert sailors and had many ships to develop wealth.
  3. 3. Conquered land as far east as India and was a fierce warrior.
  4. 6. People that lived in Southern Greece and were a powerful city-state.
  5. 7. Who was Polyphemus? Gave Odysseus a lot of wine.